
About | Vision, mission, and values

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Resilient and thriving communities

The Vision articulates the aspiration of the type of organisation the BWEF wants to become in the long term and how it delivers its strategic mandate and the new model of change in communities.



Innovation is central to the mandate of the Foundation. This includes the emergent change model that shifts power dynamics in relation to communities, thought leadership that is developed in collaboration with strategic partners, and social innovation that emerges from community-based initiatives.



Advocacy is critical for mobilising communities to take ownership of their own destiny, while on the other hand, advocacy is essential to build alignment and buy-in to the change model amongst the partners that work with the Foundation.

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Multitude of partnerships:

The Foundation aspires to a limited role in the delivery value chain and a multitude of partnerships that provide supplementary capacity to its mandate and the delivery capacity of CBO/Is without detracting from the imperative for communities to lead the change effort on the ground.

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Empowers communities:

The BWEF is focused on delivering sustainable transformational change that empowers communities:

  • increased agency
  • restored dignity
  • social cohesion
  • social capital.
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To fan the flames of humanity and encourage resilience in communities through storytelling, advocacy and collaboration

The mission of the Foundation articulates a clear rationale for its existence and also provides a succinct definition of success for the Foundation in terms of two high level outcomes for social change.

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Ignite self-belief:

The ultimate objective of the new change model is to augment agency and inspire individuals to take ownership of the process of finding solutions to problems in their community.

Ignite self image
Ignite self image
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Resilient communities:

Unleashing resilience in communities is critical to the sustainability of the impact of community-based initiatives. Where there are high levels of community engagement and buy-in to programmes, there is a high likelihood of success and sustainable impact that benefits communities.

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Organisational philosophy:

The organisational philosophy provides the necessary sign-posts for the consistent implementation of the mandate and the approach that is used to structure community based initiatives.

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Multi-level approach:

All programmes and initiatives will adhere to the requirement to connect both individual and community elements. This is essential to drive a principled approach that simultaneously galvanises individual ownership and builds resilient and sustainable communities.

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Human-centric approach:

This ethos will define all programmes so that these programmes prioritise unleashing the positive energy and creativity of individuals, who in turn contribute to their communities. This is also part of the fundamental rationale for the focus on story-telling to unleash human potential.

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Integrative approach:

Ultimately, the Foundation believes that an enduring attribute of its work should be an approach that integrates the different aspects of the process value chain, e.g. partners, beneficiaries, communities, etc. to support programme delivery.

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Story-telling and community listening engagements are the centrepiece of the advocacy work of the Foundation. These engagements tap into the individual and collective assets, such as history, knowledge and expertise, within the community to develop solutions that resonate with the community’s vision of its own future destiny.